Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 8
Top Score: ArcanjoFR
King of the Hill 663 Days
Super Real Darwin
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 ArcanjoFR ARC 11/15/2022 16,860
2 022976 TIM 07/25/2022 15,420
3 philvt101 WPF 02/27/2022 12,940
4 SapoBR SAP 04/01/2024 12,540
5 BillBee BIL 04/04/2023 10,960
6 Geni.guo FAA 10/19/2020 9,380
7 gtrzan JEB 03/24/2023 6,960
8 DanielMedeiros90 DAN 01/09/2022 1,480