Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 724
Top Score: BooRadical
King of the Hill 1 Days
Pistol Poker
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 BooRadical AAA 09/15/2024 90,779,660
2 theartist JDW 09/12/2024 71,443,720
3 Lumpdog67 BRI 09/12/2024 66,077,330
4 Skeletor77 LJM 09/13/2024 61,405,450
5 MADHOUSE BUM 09/12/2024 54,247,180
6 rael42 AAA 09/14/2024 51,975,300
7 033077 DMC 09/16/2024 38,020,600
8 SkykingDNA RNN 09/12/2024 33,419,360
9 PHILBEARS BWP 09/15/2024 28,719,210
10 MADHOUSE AAA 09/12/2024 24,170,150
11 033077 AAA 09/16/2024 4,954,060