Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 450
Top Score: maxnew40
King of the Hill 5 Days
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 maxnew40 MAX 09/03/2024 493,840
2 Winstoney SAM 09/03/2024 262,240
3 SuperiorSisko007 MPB 09/04/2024 223,470
4 Lumpdog67 BRI 09/06/2024 222,480
5 AURIE WRY 09/05/2024 193,810
6 CUMpxp CUM 09/06/2024 142,990
7 jfalberti AAA 09/07/2024 124,010
8 Silverball11 CRK 09/06/2024 122,870
9 Notapinwiz JST 09/06/2024 111,090