Top 50 Scores: Last updated 12/30/2024
Number of Entries: 1137
Top Score: Joenash
King of the Hill 1230 Days
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Joenash JOE 08/18/2021 42,802,510
2 Larry Andress POP 07/05/2023 26,979,980
3 Jon Couch JEC 02/23/2021 26,381,710
4 hurricanegms GMS 10/04/2021 22,279,240
5 Jarvis1.0 JAY 02/28/2021 21,781,390
6 Markka JAA 03/20/2021 21,243,890
7 WorthlessNut DAD 01/26/2021 21,216,120
8 CatMonDew DAD 03/05/2021 21,041,260
9 nagaidevil MAL 01/29/2021 19,957,310
10 Bigtroy1114 TDJ 02/28/2021 16,209,630
11 Chiefsfan KEV 03/01/2021 16,000,160
12 markernst MND 02/28/2021 15,393,680
13 bframeli711 BMF 01/16/2021 14,897,330
14 Dianes DLR 01/24/2021 14,712,530
15 CatMonDew DEW 03/05/2021 14,566,640
16 sid677 JRE 02/17/2022 14,070,140
17 ctate JET 02/20/2021 13,292,310
18 Billpet1 BHP 02/21/2021 13,033,560
19 dirren MJO 09/28/2024 12,568,200
20 FutureFighter BPV 01/28/2021 12,335,570
21 cague1 DAD 01/03/2023 12,168,140
22 Thoseeggsarealie! DAV 02/27/2023 11,969,890
23 Jboatright JIM 03/09/2021 11,682,690
24 BARON999 MIK 10/11/2022 11,669,220
25 Ballzaslappin BIL 02/06/2021 11,258,070
26 Clueless GTW 01/23/2021 11,239,590
27 Bencowboy1969 BEN 03/01/2022 10,796,230
28 Angus1987!! TOD 04/19/2021 10,782,660
29 DANGERCRASH STN 06/09/2023 10,714,840
30 GlennRoberts GAR 04/29/2021 10,284,120
31 Burgertime79 DAD 06/16/2021 10,275,360
32 SnowMongrel BIL 03/10/2021 9,898,420
33 MakisupaPD DJJ 01/11/2021 9,855,170
34 Hal0gen DAD 01/15/2021 9,292,780
35 Fahle3 DFA 02/17/2022 9,232,620
36 poundtown STV 01/25/2021 8,910,700
37 YONDON RRR 12/18/2022 8,893,650
38 JasonHeis JTH 04/04/2021 8,716,760
39 Geekman KAI 03/09/2021 8,613,130
40 blktppr67 DMG 05/02/2021 8,519,210
41 xSadTrombonez LEE 02/11/2022 8,504,020
42 Pmaypmay DAV 08/13/2021 8,368,340
43 Moonercade MOO 04/17/2023 8,082,630
44 joshabbyevie JRO 05/14/2021 8,045,080
45 K_man1818 DMK 01/10/2021 7,750,020
46 Beatriz76 JIM 01/26/2021 7,703,420
47 ttom2011 TKT 02/18/2021 7,441,160
48 Darkendone JRT 02/13/2022 7,407,860
49 Breezy21 SBM 04/02/2021 7,398,020
50 SpiderVenmCrnage AMW 02/27/2021 7,336,000