Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 8
Top Score: therexershow
King of the Hill 1342 Days
Black Hole
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 therexershow ACE 01/05/2021 2,208,990
2 therexershow REX 01/06/2021 1,399,240
3 therexershow AAA 01/05/2021 338,530
4 Mr_Jerry MRJ 02/13/2022 271,660
5 KilllerPenguins KPS 10/29/2021 157,070
6 Geni.guo ZZZ 02/01/2021 54,650
7 ch_N08 CHA 01/13/2021 54,510
8 KilllerPenguins AAA 09/05/2021 12,020