Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 607
Top Score: AURIE
King of the Hill 7 Days
Wipe Out
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 AURIE ORY 09/01/2024 308,243,220
2 SuperiorSisko007 MPB 09/03/2024 253,509,430
3 Lumpdog67 BRI 09/06/2024 185,920,970
4 maccameg PMC 09/06/2024 118,048,350
5 JLV041786 09/04/2024 114,456,810
6 Winstoney MAT 09/01/2024 105,165,430
7 Hogey66 JCH 09/03/2024 97,138,610
8 Kevin77 AAA 09/04/2024 67,579,800