Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 28
Top Score: CoolNelson64
King of the Hill 1390 Days
The Electric Yo-Yo
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 CoolNelson64 C64 11/18/2020 40,160
2 CharlieRules73 DAA 06/22/2021 32,470
3 skifrs RSS 11/17/2020 32,020
4 sbartel1 SPZ 06/06/2022 19,380
5 KevinSievers KES 11/21/2020 17,160
6 JTierney43 JMT 11/13/2020 16,610
7 roninrale RON 03/28/2021 15,650
8 RetroBot TMS 04/15/2022 13,530
9 MadHatter GJD 11/14/2020 13,490
10 RetroBot TAA 04/03/2022 13,030
11 D Home CPD 11/18/2020 11,490
12 mandelweb MNI 11/29/2020 10,520
13 HemiSync LAW 08/15/2021 9,310
14 figmnt988 SXM 02/14/2022 8,100
15 Bob'sBasement BOB 08/22/2021 7,590
16 skifaj PLS 10/24/2021 7,220
17 skifaj RSS 10/24/2021 7,210
18 MontanaCA CDA 06/24/2021 6,430
19 TnAdct1 JNK 06/19/2021 6,370
20 eeblah DBH 06/19/2021 5,950
21 TheSpoonDog PAS 10/25/2022 5,640
22 eeblah DBG 08/14/2021 5,040
23 CKlima1 CAK 06/19/2021 4,780
24 KevinSievers AAA 10/09/2020 4,530
25 ballistikcoffeeboy BTB 04/18/2021 4,220
26 Jeremiah AAA 05/31/2021 3,070
27 Lowzero2 SGS 02/13/2022 2,650
28 Nathan Johnson CAA 04/02/2022 2,190