Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 6088
Top Score: RussTheMadMan
King of the Hill 7 Days
Beast Master
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 RussTheMadMan RUS 09/01/2024 28,750
2 Dowson89 SEA 09/02/2024 21,560
3 FearfulCrowd JAL 09/02/2024 18,630
4 Tomasrg73 TRG 09/03/2024 17,560
5 ^HASO^ ETH 09/07/2024 15,680
6 FearfulCrowd JAM 09/02/2024 14,620
7 gandalflevert GAB 09/02/2024 14,420
8 TrubbishPail JAY 09/04/2024 13,650
9 Galendder GLD 09/07/2024 13,380
10 Tottenpowersystems SWT 09/07/2024 13,150
11 Brad68 BDG 09/03/2024 12,960
12 TrubbishPail MSM 09/02/2024 12,240
13 checkmaate383! ALX 09/07/2024 10,890
14 Turton TUC 09/03/2024 9,730