Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/19/2024
Number of Entries: 1801
Top Score: wderby
King of the Hill 31 Days
Blackbelt 2018
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 wderby DAD 08/19/2024 164,239,910
2 asiansensation SDI 08/22/2024 144,947,000
3 Syl99 SYL 09/01/2024 109,553,270
4 Rewfus ACE 08/22/2024 74,624,650
5 chuck1050 CLM 08/30/2024 45,481,310
6 Syl99 ALE 09/01/2024 44,061,150
7 Ziebell BZZ 09/08/2024 36,062,760
8 Cock & Bull HAL 09/10/2024 33,362,420