Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 189
Top Score: AURIE
King of the Hill 27 Days
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 AURIE ORY 08/20/2024 2,577,950
2 FLASHgordon1973, ROY 09/02/2024 1,049,780
3 westfx AAA 09/14/2024 920,810
4 Undertow1 JGG 08/17/2024 781,630
5 FLASHgordon1973, NCC 09/02/2024 774,830
6 dpinball EMD 08/29/2024 654,910
7 AURIE BEB 08/20/2024 618,610
8 cujopipefighter CJH 08/25/2024 599,760
9 Shanesaw RSH 09/15/2024 496,730
10 RedsCafe DAD 09/09/2024 465,670
11 FLASHgordon1973, NEW 09/02/2024 306,010
12 Irocz284 CLH 08/21/2024 284,400
13 boomer5141 DTH 09/01/2024 278,430
14 Noomcee50 ADE 09/08/2024 262,320
15 FLASHgordon1973, SUN 09/06/2024 243,070
16 Moondawg25 HDH 09/07/2024 82,980