Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 1786
Top Score: Fahle3
King of the Hill 22 Days
Clown Retro
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Fahle3 FAH 08/25/2024 13,350
2 RickRader RAR 08/21/2024 9,870
3 LudeDute AIJ 08/17/2024 9,000
4 RussTheMadMan RUS 09/02/2024 5,320
5 Gramps LJC 09/05/2024 4,450
6 LudeDute ARL 08/17/2024 4,390
7 195-GJF ABS 08/31/2024 3,590
8 simondwilliams JTO 09/07/2024 3,150
9 195-GJF JAF 08/31/2024 2,970