Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 7
Top Score: Zed2022
King of the Hill 1026 Days
Clown Retro
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Zed2022 AAA 11/17/2021 8,560
2 Toddly324 LTW 04/03/2022 7,720
3 BillBee BIL 07/03/2023 7,500
4 Zed2022 FAA 11/17/2021 7,250
5 Larsun LAR 05/21/2022 4,710
6 Joenolan96 ETI 07/11/2022 4,590
7 Zed2022 BAA 11/17/2021 4,040