Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/19/2024
Number of Entries: 3544
Top Score: TheVersatilefighter
King of the Hill 5 Days
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 TheVersatilefighter MES 09/14/2024 2,419,630
2 Fingercruncher79 MAT 09/16/2024 1,792,780
3 tR0n_1020 TSR 09/18/2024 1,014,530
4 Keith1958 KAT 09/17/2024 840,330
5 Bingo007 JOE 09/17/2024 735,370
6 old_timers PAP 09/14/2024 512,820
7 old_timers JCA 09/14/2024 248,230