Top 50 Scores: Last updated 01/05/2025
Number of Entries: 75
Top Score: DarthVito
King of the Hill 802 Days
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 DarthVito BJM 10/26/2022 1,103,360
2 Mixrbear MXR 03/21/2021 1,099,610
3 Hunterroll106 ROL 01/03/2024 858,680
4 Sberp04 SBP 10/22/2021 648,200
5 abjgardena ABJ 08/09/2022 599,700
6 Deaven DDD 09/07/2021 595,660
7 Lowzero2 SGS 12/12/2021 561,400
8 VerucaSalt73 IAN 08/20/2021 544,550
9 casanovamusic COD 08/01/2021 529,420
10 ScHWaNtZ ARS 05/12/2021 528,280
11 Riverdogg CBS 04/25/2021 527,820
12 devans DEN 11/22/2023 526,750
13 atlanticom JAH 01/14/2022 508,500
14 daviddow DOW 11/09/2022 496,000
15 TrickyD DIK 08/04/2022 487,590
16 ItzVon ELS 06/20/2022 463,150
17 martyk07 MBK 12/17/2023 421,210
18 aquanut59 BRI 02/15/2022 417,120
19 Ballzaslappin BIL 08/11/2022 410,530
20 BLS-2807 CLJ 03/05/2023 404,170
21 CrystylWyzzyrd WYZ 09/25/2021 397,940
22 KoelscheJung66 PIT 12/27/2022 393,370
23 Ralfdogg MJO 08/24/2021 384,520
24 Hifi123 AAW 10/22/2022 373,360
25 Metalmilitian85 TAW 11/18/2021 360,840
26 swalker SMW 07/05/2022 357,150
27 Fleejay806 LEE 09/03/2021 341,830
28 Blanvey JZG 11/21/2021 330,700
29 KoelscheJung66 HPP 01/03/2023 318,850
30 Matchb ANT 02/11/2022 311,460
31 Adnspace84 ADN 09/17/2021 303,470
32 Cookadam ARC 07/22/2021 295,990
33 Mmata316! MMR 08/01/2021 290,570
34 eingus29 JBE 06/14/2021 283,610
35 Ngrochowaski NOA 12/11/2022 265,730
36 GPARKER GPV 08/20/2021 253,220
37 DEP6119 DEP 12/19/2021 250,370
38 TnAdct1 JNK 12/08/2021 228,750
39 AzMadMan DAD 01/15/2023 223,420
40 Ilovethe80s NAM 09/11/2021 215,290
41 Buttcher80 MTV 03/10/2022 206,410
42 awzboz CLP 07/11/2021 204,010
43 Ilovethe80s AAA 09/06/2021 202,380
44 Dj9fingers RJT 07/08/2022 188,050
45 Madskillsx76 RAY 04/20/2022 183,760
46 Plavalaguna JFA 11/13/2022 173,620
47 Drewske1984 AJM 06/21/2022 167,910
48 CaptainWrong CAP 08/30/2021 157,130
49 Fedgar1984 EDG 08/14/2024 155,780
50 Jebensing JES 06/11/2021 155,500