Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 208
Top Score: Mrfokken
King of the Hill 2 Days
Mexico '86
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Mrfokken ZAP 09/14/2024 9,874,950
2 catfarms CAT 08/30/2024 9,837,430
3 wizardsug WIZ 08/17/2024 9,439,410
4 Undertow1 JGG 08/23/2024 7,706,530
5 LegendsPinball4K RAY 08/18/2024 7,574,580
6 Mr-FX FXX 08/18/2024 3,466,440
7 wizardsug GUS 08/17/2024 3,462,350
8 bbqking RCL 08/17/2024 3,279,590
9 dodxit DOT 09/02/2024 3,031,920
10 Eddie75 EJR 08/29/2024 2,697,230
11 kinsar SSH 08/26/2024 2,524,530
12 SuperiorSisko007 MPB 09/04/2024 1,724,480
13 Hogey66 JCH 09/03/2024 1,483,120
14 JasACE72 JDC 08/27/2024 769,250
15 Nforcer45 MWK 08/26/2024 747,400
16 JLV041786 PAW 09/08/2024 587,510
17 LarryJHull LJH 08/18/2024 486,610