Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 1362
Top Score: C0RN1977
King of the Hill 10 Days
Mexico '86 Retro
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 C0RN1977 DLM 09/06/2024 2,030
2 mouwthwash GCE 08/20/2024 1,900
3 HighSociety420 ACB 09/12/2024 1,820
4 pinballwill DAN 08/28/2024 1,530
5 Jeffexit7 JRH 09/16/2024 960
6 ProudFamily710 AAA 09/06/2024 710
7 cupofjoe AOE 09/10/2024 580
8 S7artan TEE 09/15/2024 550
9 Boomstick OEM 08/29/2024 490