Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 91
Top Score: rockportdave
King of the Hill 29 Days
Nautilus Retro
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 rockportdave DNC 08/18/2024 54,020
2 Leohuff76 CSH 09/15/2024 17,100
3 TimWill TIM 08/30/2024 14,530
4 jaysWorld107 JAY 09/12/2024 11,330
5 Hogey66 JCH 09/12/2024 9,670
6 Undertow1 JAC 08/25/2024 6,580
7 LegendsPinball4K RAY 08/18/2024 5,660
8 Pierced_hammer AAS 09/06/2024 5,360
9 Pierced_hammer DST 09/06/2024 2,630
10 Pierced_hammer ABS 09/06/2024 1,400