Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 75
Top Score: Hogey66
King of the Hill 13 Days
Pinball Champ Retro
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Hogey66 JCH 09/03/2024 19,130
2 rodya DSB 08/18/2024 13,650
3 SuperiorSisko007 MPB 09/06/2024 13,590
4 boomer5141 DTH 09/01/2024 10,290
5 John Tarr JJT 09/14/2024 9,490
6 LegendsPinball4K RAY 08/18/2024 7,520
7 Shawn642 SMP 09/03/2024 3,060