Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/19/2024
Number of Entries: 426
Top Score: Kevin84
King of the Hill 3 Days
Shooting the Rapids 2016
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Kevin84 AAA 09/16/2024 69,343,110
2 maccameg PMC 09/13/2024 54,909,070
3 033077 DMC 09/13/2024 54,230,700
4 Scipio152 DAD 09/13/2024 53,190,430
5 Kaboomski BIL 09/16/2024 33,928,270
6 DeadCell NAW 09/14/2024 24,920,040
7 FLASHgordon1973, RUN 09/12/2024 2,935,730