Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 145
Top Score: Undertow1
King of the Hill 2 Days
Shooting the Rapids Retro
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Undertow1 JGG 09/14/2024 62,300
2 Undertow1 CMW 09/07/2024 55,180
3 Kevin84 AAA 09/16/2024 18,320
4 FLASHgordon1973, RUN 09/12/2024 15,650
5 rael42 WOW 09/14/2024 14,660
6 Winstoney SAM 08/17/2024 5,010
7 MADHOUSE WLF 09/11/2024 4,640
8 ewr0161 TAM 09/06/2024 4,340
9 Darkroom_Arcade TLM 08/29/2024 4,330
10 psfmuzik PSF 08/17/2024 3,370
11 Hogey66 JCH 09/12/2024 2,330
12 Winstoney MAT 08/17/2024 2,150