Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/22/2024
Number of Entries: 163
Top Score: Mtatech
King of the Hill 30 Days
Star God
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Mtatech HAD 08/23/2024 711,250
2 kevinpinball007 KEV 08/28/2024 707,060
3 Ilovethe80s SAM 08/23/2024 607,240
4 Ilovethe80s KEV 08/23/2024 568,620
5 DeadCell NAW 09/18/2024 549,790
6 LarryJHull LJH 09/20/2024 400,570
7 Ilovethe80s DSR 08/23/2024 119,090
8 jpblix MLS 09/14/2024 86,090