Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 212
Top Score: kinsar
King of the Hill 20 Days
The Aliens
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 kinsar SSH 08/27/2024 33,330
2 shecky1980 PPB 09/10/2024 30,710
3 Hogey66 SJM 09/05/2024 27,960
4 TMCLOSKY TMC 09/03/2024 24,470
5 SuperiorSisko007 MPB 09/05/2024 21,980
6 mikiara DAV 09/03/2024 20,750
7 LarryJHull LJH 09/13/2024 19,980
8 LegendsPinball4K RAY 08/18/2024 16,430
9 Shawn642 SMP 09/06/2024 14,370
10 Irocz284 CLH 09/06/2024 10,200