Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 231
Top Score: h2snorzip
King of the Hill 5 Days
Wood's Queen
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 h2snorzip ACE 09/11/2024 1,619,940
2 FLASHgordon1973, RUN 09/12/2024 804,310
3 SpiderGawd LAR 09/11/2024 352,740
4 jmaclerran#3973 MAC 09/13/2024 316,490
5 Winstoney SAM 09/14/2024 181,970
6 Winstoney MAT 09/14/2024 112,150
7 shecky1980 PPB 09/13/2024 95,390
8 Axe6476 JAA 09/10/2024 87,310