Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/19/2024
Number of Entries: 5615
Top Score: Willrevo
King of the Hill 6 Days
Pool Champion Deluxe
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 Willrevo REV 09/13/2024 114,017,520
2 ramjo14 GAT 09/16/2024 88,226,460
3 Brydell24 MAG 09/17/2024 69,697,230
4 a1i3nNATE NTE 09/14/2024 63,785,760
5 CharlieP CHD 09/18/2024 63,215,570
6 Spine-Splitter ATH 09/14/2024 61,660,400
7 Willrevo LAC 09/13/2024 36,453,650
8 NIX2MARS NIX 09/12/2024 31,121,270
9 scootdawg69 DOG 09/17/2024 19,771,000
10 Brydell24 TLB 09/17/2024 18,484,530
11 Nivvinabon AXL 09/18/2024 17,169,330
12 Roach429 AAA 09/18/2024 2,122,630