Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 17
Top Score: magicpixel
King of the Hill 761 Days
Robot Deluxe
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 magicpixel WAT 08/09/2022 60,291,680
2 Joenash JOE 08/21/2021 56,503,120
3 J#TCombo JAC 08/18/2021 51,459,320
4 magicpixel VAS 08/09/2022 45,908,520
5 fxemike ZOZ 08/18/2021 45,388,080
6 magicpixel LAT 08/08/2022 43,743,960
7 magicpixel GAT 08/05/2022 41,786,040
8 kaizers0ze LEK 08/18/2021 41,360,440
9 TheWalrus AVI 08/19/2021 34,000,560
10 Joenash ASH 08/23/2021 27,141,440
11 Beatriz76 JIM 08/19/2021 25,991,320
12 magicpixel SAS 08/09/2022 25,736,880
13 gocoltssc DWW 08/16/2021 25,608,600
14 Mikelea3 EAL 08/21/2021 9,398,480
15 Mikelea3 MAL 08/21/2021 8,383,040
16 GatorDone GAT 08/19/2021 7,367,720
17 DRAKEY1983 RJC 12/29/2021 4,624,200