Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 5969
Top Score: stayfrosty303
King of the Hill 6 Days
Robot Deluxe
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 stayfrosty303 JMM 09/02/2024 125,296,480
2 GnomeZ CJB 09/05/2024 72,860,080
3 Pinball77 DOT 09/07/2024 51,538,400
4 bad!dad RED 09/02/2024 48,382,080
5 Marshall_Law1984 NDC 09/01/2024 41,057,720
6 LARS1980 ARN 09/03/2024 39,946,320
7 fireunboxings CPG 09/02/2024 39,048,960
8 Galendder GLD 09/07/2024 38,559,480
9 NARDO422 MEV 09/07/2024 38,327,800
10 gandalflevert ELI 09/01/2024 35,964,800
11 Braveliver DLS 09/01/2024 35,677,440
12 Hollycole HNC 09/04/2024 34,734,840
13 7883282481390 MRD 09/05/2024 26,409,560
14 Tomasrg73 TRG 09/03/2024 20,540,360
15 fireunboxings LJE 09/02/2024 12,148,840