Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 6565
Top Score: mingo75
King of the Hill 3 Days
Fox in Socks (Dr. Seuss)
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 mingo75 RWM 09/05/2024 368,492,540
2 MichaelSinger MAS 09/06/2024 192,741,490
3 garman GAR 09/06/2024 151,277,090
4 stefbeck64140 STE 09/04/2024 106,619,940
5 Kooltech87 VJH 09/01/2024 99,732,750
6 StephenMacone TAG 09/02/2024 83,965,820
7 SkyMachine CML 09/03/2024 76,385,250
8 edgeoftown59 MUI 09/02/2024 61,015,560
9 LARS1980 LAR 09/02/2024 48,817,880
10 Kooltech87 MRH 09/01/2024 45,040,750
11 The_Marty's JPM 09/01/2024 39,659,950
12 LARS1980 ARN 09/01/2024 37,341,090
13 LARS1980 KAT 09/02/2024 31,810,840
14 cdwraw KDM 09/05/2024 30,414,940
15 Nivvinabon ZRI 09/06/2024 27,174,610
16 Kooltech87 SMH 09/01/2024 26,993,880
17 z400man DAD 09/01/2024 26,629,580
18 Andizzle AJE 09/02/2024 23,442,330
19 Joelupo JOE 09/01/2024 21,979,760
20 Blkshogun JSJ 09/01/2024 20,568,940
21 Scott928 SDA 09/01/2024 20,246,800
22 RetroTechX TLS 09/07/2024 18,363,190
23 Iamnobody WLS 09/02/2024 18,168,710
24 LARS1980 DRN 09/01/2024 15,310,510
25 Hollycole HNC 09/04/2024 9,206,120
26 fungusgarden RUS 09/02/2024 7,770,740
27 yaleasy LEA 09/06/2024 1,586,910
28 aciolli AMC 09/02/2024 1,178,870