Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 952
Top Score: edog11
King of the Hill 7 Days
Williams™ Pinball: World Cup Soccer

© FIFA, FIFA’s official licensed product logos, and the emblems, mascots, posters and trophies of the FIFA World Cup™ tournaments are copyrights and/or trademarks of FIFA.

Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 edog11 EDE 09/09/2024 2,277,896,760
2 Kellym13 KEL 09/14/2024 1,706,686,070
3 Garyleaman GDL 09/09/2024 1,132,330,940
4 Seabass BAS 09/14/2024 1,046,489,530
5 JediMasterYoda970 DAD 09/15/2024 776,642,310
6 JimAdams281 JLC 09/11/2024 506,718,860
7 FLASHgordon1973, ROY 09/12/2024 488,741,820
8 Laurent_Fr ALF 09/13/2024 415,637,480
9 PizzaBoyWI JRL 09/15/2024 386,850,100
10 Brian82143 BDP 09/14/2024 333,583,960
11 shecky1980 PPB 09/16/2024 311,509,800
12 JOERAM17 RAM 09/13/2024 284,175,700
13 Skeletor77 PRP 09/13/2024 281,634,930
14 FlashFlight MGK 09/14/2024 277,073,730
15 jayrod75 JAY 09/14/2024 258,812,870
16 Gstaiano GVS 09/14/2024 222,564,790
17 gilpinbrewer SMK 09/13/2024 215,115,370
18 Allstarjq7 JAM 09/15/2024 212,466,060
19 rael42 WOW 09/14/2024 206,385,000
20 Skeletor77 LJP 09/13/2024 196,050,830
21 mzaburski MBZ 09/14/2024 187,413,460
22 SuttDogg MDS 09/15/2024 186,273,960
23 Allstarjq7 JUA 09/14/2024 169,888,080
24 DESTINYSPEAR SOD 09/11/2024 141,395,710
25 Psychopathic4 POP 09/15/2024 135,153,610
26 Mooney MWM 09/16/2024 103,422,960
27 Sith-Lord-Lex ENP 09/16/2024 86,988,540
28 Seabass AAA 09/12/2024 83,359,330
29 Pinball69! DAE 09/13/2024 66,140,000