Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/08/2024
Number of Entries: 926
Top Score: scrosby
King of the Hill 6 Days
Williams™ Pinball: World Cup Soccer

© FIFA, FIFA’s official licensed product logos, and the emblems, mascots, posters and trophies of the FIFA World Cup™ tournaments are copyrights and/or trademarks of FIFA.

Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 scrosby SFC 09/02/2024 2,067,204,630
2 PTATE1999 PAT 09/04/2024 1,173,062,630
3 Grym205 TOD 09/04/2024 844,231,910
4 MermaidArcade DUG 09/06/2024 788,714,460
5 AWOL101 JSK 09/06/2024 627,799,300
6 GlenWhit DAD 09/03/2024 591,434,050
7 BJD1972 BJD 09/02/2024 587,541,760
8 combatwombat13 MJH 09/04/2024 531,475,140
9 Vansmack BIL 09/03/2024 523,036,780
10 DDEMING65 DAV 09/07/2024 521,379,370
11 bosks MOM 09/03/2024 501,474,850
12 Hulk77bus! GGG 09/03/2024 486,812,500
13 bosks DPB 09/04/2024 427,211,230
14 andrewdrayner GNC 09/02/2024 409,686,140
15 paulparky MPP 09/03/2024 349,170,490
16 Siebs EJS 09/01/2024 337,592,990
17 ErieVonOtto EVO 09/07/2024 323,156,060
18 bosks DOM 09/03/2024 297,918,750
19 AWOL101 AMK 09/02/2024 288,823,560
20 Kevin84 KLB 09/08/2024 280,800,670
21 Catpeople2000# BUD 09/08/2024 261,255,460
22 mayhem85 LPW 09/07/2024 255,049,650
23 JAYBOO JAY 09/04/2024 254,102,840
24 Cap'nCrunch JJS 09/05/2024 232,866,600
25 rp1983 RSP 09/02/2024 221,398,100
26 SkipDogg SKP 09/06/2024 219,283,640
27 Gstaiano GVS 09/03/2024 178,250,900
28 bhdodson BCD 09/07/2024 170,250,230
29 sebcbien SEB 09/01/2024 152,304,030
30 sebcbien ROB 09/01/2024 30,876,410