Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/19/2024
Number of Entries: 584
Top Score: qwerty1975
King of the Hill 3 Days
Brothers in Arms®: Win the War Pinball

Brothers in Arms® © Gearbox Enterprises, LLC 2024.
Game Code © 2024 Zen Studios Ltd.
All rights reserved.

Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 qwerty1975 JPS 09/16/2024 12,841,368
2 Lycanthro AML 09/17/2024 10,321,470
3 LASTLB JLB 09/13/2024 8,691,015
4 Jninjakill JER 09/14/2024 8,398,864
5 Apachewink WTW 09/18/2024 8,135,076
6 CraigMack1000 CSM 09/13/2024 6,824,920
7 Seabass BAS 09/14/2024 6,614,339
8 Stoutybear AAA 09/15/2024 6,465,207
9 Tony71 TON 09/18/2024 6,311,849
10 Moopiusvul DSL 09/12/2024 5,592,684
11 Pieholecram2 USA 09/15/2024 5,040,873
12 Shanesaw RSA 09/12/2024 1,010,991