Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 6
Top Score: sshelton71
King of the Hill 21 Days
Egypt (Natural History)
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 sshelton71 SRS 08/26/2024 23,659,210
2 YouTube#TampaTec PJF 08/15/2024 13,651,280
3 tizperc101010 DAN 07/16/2024 7,756,770
4 tizperc101010 BZS 07/15/2024 5,663,920
5 tizperc101010 VOM 07/15/2024 4,242,630
6 tizperc101010 EVK 07/17/2024 2,270,910