Top 50 Scores: Last updated 09/16/2024
Number of Entries: 13
Top Score: wagnerstechtalk
King of the Hill 49 Days
Deep Ocean (Natural History)
Rank Name Initials Device Date Score
1 wagnerstechtalk JON 07/29/2024 99,906,470
2 sshelton71 SRS 08/26/2024 92,044,040
3 YouTube#TampaTec TEC 07/26/2024 80,192,950
4 YouTube#TampaTec PJF 07/25/2024 73,698,550
5 scararm DAV 07/25/2024 64,422,710
6 stugots ABB 07/25/2024 49,548,710
7 tizperc101010 ZSO 07/26/2024 40,849,630
8 tizperc101010 DVK 07/17/2024 24,033,840
9 tizperc101010 YSO 07/15/2024 10,533,530
10 tizperc101010 BZS 07/15/2024 10,129,570
11 tizperc101010 PQX 08/01/2024 8,398,720
12 Raskull SDM 09/13/2024 5,696,220
13 tizperc101010 DZS 07/16/2024 4,565,980