Selected game for 5/14/2022 competitions is:
To participate, play selected Lobby game during this week’s BCA Lobby Happy Hour (see times below) and post your best score. Players in the Top 10 will be entered into the random, lucky draw to win a 1-month ArcadeNet® code. They will also gain an extra point for the season towards the Season 1 Grand Prize of a Legends Core Plus.
Be sure to join the ArcadeNet® Global Fan page for the latest news and announcements:
Good luck, have fun setting new high scores, and we hope to #seeyouontheleaderboards during the BCAS Lobby Happy Hour!
6:00pm - 8:00pm PT
8:00pm - 10:00pm CT
9:00pm - 11:00pm ET
05/14/2022 - 05/14/2022 View Calendar
- PKBULLETS 68,700
- _mcap_ 60,600
- Meatballsaucey 58,200